Does knowing our Ancestry help answer those strange questions we have about ourselves!? We know that DNA passes down from our parents, grandparents, great grandparents, and our other ancestors. Right?
However, is there anything else? Do we inherit our habits, instincts, perceptions and personality? It certainly makes a good question for consideration, conversation, and discussion.
Have You ever had things happen, or felt a certain way, or had a hunch that!?
Somehow, as a child, I had the feeling I’m part African, part Jewish, and part Indian. I know that I’m not Politically Correct using the word Indian, but when I was a kid, and to be honest even now, I take pride in knowing I’m at least part Indian! Not meaning to offend any who want to refer to themselves as Native, or Aboriginal, but to me the word is, always has been and always will be Indian! With Native, Aboriginal, Pride to back it up!
None of that made any logical sense, for this pale faced kid from Nova Scotia! However, when I had my DNA tested by Ancestry, and later uploaded it to MyHeritage, I discovered that I actually have MesoAmerican DNA! By the way, that was after having a profound heartfelt connection to Costa Rica! Costa Rica is in the heart of MesoAmerica!
Now, had that been an isolated case, I wouldn’t put much stock in it. However, my DNA Test also showed I have European Jewish DNA and also African Bantu DNA! How did I know that as a child, it certainly wasn’t because someone had told me!
Had someone told me that I’d have thought them as nuts as I thought I was!
Now, You might be saying, “well, how reliable is DNA?”
To be honest? I’m not sure! However, I’ve seen a lot of evidence of my DNA Cousin Matches corresponding with those I’d already found through Research. Even though I never had them added to any online trees! So, DNA, I think it’s pretty concrete.
That said, here’s another example, I’ve always found it interesting that when I get a stone in my hand I want to throw it like they do in Shot Put. I’ve never had any real interest in Sports, I’ve never had any training, and actually have never had an actual “Shot” (the stone or ball) they’re Putting (throwing) in Shot Put. Yet, here at Briden Farm, I’ve often thrown many stones out of the Garden and I always think of “Putting the Shot”. Recently I’ve discovered that my Great Grandfather, John Ead, and two of his Brothers, Thomas F. Ead and Joseph Ead were all on the Shot Putting Team in Halifax, Nova Scotia c. 1899. Coincidence?
I honestly don’t know! Do You?
I do know that I’m not alone in wondering about this, or even in researching this! According to The Guardian, in their article: The big idea: can you inherit memories from your ancestors? “The science of epigenetics suggests we can pass on trauma – but trust and compassion too”.
So, my questions for You are, “what do you think? Who were Your Grandparents? Great Grandparents? Other Ancestors? Do You know? Would You like to?”
Let’s chat, call me, Brian Hurlburt, at 902-907-0770
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PS: Our Cover photo for this Post comes from which houses Free, Public Domain, photos and artwork. The one we chose was from a poster for the “DNA, the cell nucleus, and genetic disease (1980)”. Notice that date? 1980. Obviously this is not a New Thing! Just new to Me!
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